These controls and the little Converter, suppose it could move right away from the Ship.
The controls moved her instantaneously through the chamber, from one console to another.
Eventually, control moved to his son, Peter.
She felt along the barrel for the control switches and moved one until the yellow lights indicated the power was at maximum level.
Almost at a stroke Government had moved town planning into a higher gear, with a national system of development control, ubiquitous in operation.
During the 1950s, numerical control moved slowly from the laboratory into commercial service.
The plane's controls moved on their own, tilting the right wing almost perpendicular to the ground.
They recognized that ice was building up behind the de-icing boot, and that this could cause the controls to move on their own.
Again the controls moved on their own, and this time the plane rolled on its back, beginning the fatal dive into the ground.
The engineer moved controls and the white square moved.