The unit also incorporated an early Intel microprocessor to provide digital control of its functions.
Later that day, she began to lose control of her bodily functions, and watched the October leaves drift down outside her window.
On the whole, these systems use algorithms in their programming to determine control and organization of their functions.
I don't like being out of control of my own functions.
The one thing I didn't have to worry about was losing control of my bodily functions.
He had lost control of his bodily functions and often lay in his own wastes between their visits.
He had not lost control of his bodily functions yet in front of the men, but he didn't want to take the risk.
Stein says it was so stressful that one of his crew members lost control of her bodily functions.
Our dog is very old, and has lost control of his bodily functions, so we're going to have to have him put to sleep.