At this point, both Iceland and Norway came under the control of the Danish Crown.
During the colonial era, this area was initially under direct control of the Spanish Crown.
The Baldwin Act made municipal government truly democratic rather than an extension of central control of the Crown.
In territories under the control of the Spanish Crown, books could not be printed except by royal licence.
During this period control of the Crown over what remained of the Forest administration dwindled away.
In this way the Duke's political dominance over Seville disappeared, and the city passed into the control of the Crown.
In 1531, the entire city became a "corregimiento" or area under direct control of the Spanish Crown.
The term crown land, extends to all land that is under the control or ownership of The Crown (a.k.a. the Government).
In 1467 he was returned as MP for Plympton Earle, then a seat under the control of the Crown.
When a company is dissolved, by law, its assets - but not its liabilities - pass to the control of the Crown.