Victims have trouble controlling their arms and legs and also have increased risk of cancer.
They fail to recognize that the Kremlin has always taken extraordinary precautions to control its nuclear arms.
Yet the Soviets have also clearly shown obsessiveness about controlling their nuclear arms.
While he was gone I hobbled up and down in the store, trying again to control my arms and legs.
Guardian, the white robot, now lay completely helpless with all the systems that controlled his arms and legs damaged.
"You have to take it one step at a time, first learning to control your arms or your neck, then concentrating on not blinking," he said.
It is difficult to control one's arms after prolonged suspension over an object.
Her shoulders stooped as if she couldn't control her arms.
Back then, as now, those squishy creatures had highly developed brains, whose basic function was to control their versatile arms.
Soon she couldn't hold her head up or swallow properly and could barely control her arms and legs.