He has the ability to control plants and also adores plant life.
Once reliability was adequate, computers could be used to control chemical plants, scientific experiments, missiles in flight, and the like.
In some adaptations, she can control plants with her mind.
Chemical, mechanical, and other methods are used to control or eradicate undesirable aquatic plants.
Ramulus - A supervillain with the ability to control plants.
Government officials have recently signaled that they are serious about allowing foreign companies to control plants and businesses in Iran.
Even then, the bone could only move by sheer force of will, controlling plants to ride on its host's back seeking to infect others.
Weed pulling can be used to control some shrubs, tree saplings, and herbaceous plants.
It is used to control diseases on a number of fruits and vegetables as well as ornamental plants.
Klara Prast, the latest member, has the ability to control plants.