They were adopted in 1970 to prevent the networks, then all-powerful, from controlling programming and thereby stifling competition.
The freedom for independents to create and distribute movies and television shows has been threatened by a handful of consolidated media companies that control programming and distribution.
His role at Microsoft built upon his work at Warner Bros., as he once again was responsible for controlling original programming for his division.
If the new code is not respected, Mr. Colom said, it could result in the creation of a council with legal authority to control programming.
Who can hire and fire, who can control programming, and who can vote stock?
Mr. Koch theorized that the embarrassing exposure would cut into the prostitution trade and also argued that the Mayor should be allowed to control programming.
But they also know that their news is filtered by the Palestinian Authority, which controls programming.
I want to control the input and programming and everything.
And, he argues, AT&T will face competition from the regional phone companies and satellite services that will make it "impossible for any one company to control programming."
The deals reflect the increasing vertical integration of the entertainment business as companies seek to control both production and distribution of entertainment programming.