But if control of the score shifted regularly and on cue, there was never a sense, in the Philharmonic's reading, that the work might unravel.
Almost all came in 1997 or 1998, as control of Mazar-i-Sharif shifted.
Genetic control would then shift the range of racial variety in the direction desired.
Even costly and coercive controls would merely shift the "doubling date" from perhaps 2040 to 2045.
Since then, however, control of these areas has shifted to the Sinaloa Cartel.
It worked smoothly and suddenly I was in control, full up on knowledge, shifting those pedals like a young kid on a bad estate.
With his release by the plane captain, control of his aircraft shifted to the tower.
Within a few years control of the institutions shifted to individuals more focused on socialism and worker education.
In the same years, control of the White House also shifted from one party to the other.
By the 1960's, control of the party shifted south, along with the Bush family.