In fact, the congress High Command was able to control the provincial ministries and to force their resignation in 1939.
The Ministry of Health was an all-union ministry which ment that the ministry controlled the fifteen ministries of health of the union republics.
But under the arrangement proposed by Solidarity, the Communists would still control the ministries of Defense and Interior, which include the army, the police and the secret police.
But Mr. Kostunica and his allies must also begin to control the Serbian ministries that are now beholden to Mr. Milosevic and his coalition.
In addition to the prime minister, the Sabahs have always controlled the key ministries of foreign affairs, defense, interior and oil production, among others.
Under this system, the Department of State Affairs, which controlled the six ministries, was the highest executive institution of the imperial government.
It would then cede to a special United Nations authority the right to "supervise or control" the five key ministries of state - foreign affairs, interior, finance, defense and information.
Initially, the revolutionary government was divided between Feuillants, who controlled the ministries, and the Girondists, who dominated the National Assembly.
Dissatisfied with merely controlling the ministries, they also wish to shape society and even the way people talk to each other.
During the period of struggle against Russia, the Kaliszanie practically dominated the government, controlling the ministries of internal affairs, treasury and war.