Both drew attention to his controlled aggression at the first corner of the race, followed by his relentless, mistake-free pace.
But she is projecting more energy and enthusiasm than at the end of last season - more controlled aggression, too.
But for all the fury of Pazienza, in the end it was the controlled aggression of Haugen that decided the fight.
My mantra for the year is patience and controlled aggression.
I'm looking for controlled aggression and strict discipline at all times.
That controlled aggression mirrors their coach, who rarely loses his cool on the sideline.
That medium has provided a channel for controlled aggression, one Vaughn had trouble locating alone.
By bidding with controlled aggression, taking every trick in the play and being lucky.
Youthful enthusiasm works best when it is channeled into what Staub calls controlled aggression.
A player may be commended for their protection of their teammates, setting up play and controlled aggression.