Those kettles in the next room were indeed tanks for controlled microbial growth.
He said the current plan "represents a compromise between the property owner's rights and the desire of the municipality for controlled growth."
We felt it was time to turn it off for a few months and concentrate on more controlled growth.
"And what kind of signals is the college sending into the regional and national debate over sprawl vs. controlled growth?"
The straight line of gradual and controlled growth is what the statists promise but can never deliver.
The most outspoken advocates for controlled growth are the newest arrivals.
To discover the mechanism for this controlled growth?
It will present opportunities for controlled growth and development that other towns can only dream about.
"My challenge will be to have the continued controlled growth within the strong balance sheets that I have inherited."
As to the extent of payment appropriations in the draft budget, the Council has expressed a preference for limited and controlled growth.