As reported earlier, Mr. Farris was killed when a catapult malfunctioned during a scene depicting controversial allegations that a rival typemaster tried to murder the Hungarian.
Unsympathetic to Ward this includes a number of spelling and historical inaccuracies, as well as controversial allegations against him.
The "most controversial allegation" against the Mostazafan foundation is "whether or not their funds have been used to procure weapons of mass destruction".
The group makes controversial allegations against Senator John McCain concerning his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
His book included the controversial allegation that the NFL had fixed the outcomes of some of its games.
Against this, there have been a series of controversial allegations against special police units engaged in covert action.
In December 2006 Werther Cornieti, the chairman of the club, left due to controversial allegations and criticism during a sports broadcast.
However, this is a controversial allegation against him.
Hatfield's most controversial allegation involves Bush's alleged 1972 cocaine possession arrest in Harris County, Texas.
Rezaï's father, Arsalan Rezaï, who was a member of her coaching team, has repeatedly been the focus of controversial allegations of violence and abuse.