As they stepped onto the weathered concrete piers, they entered a new, controversial chapter in Japan's dogged attempts to continue whaling in the face of hostile world opinion.
For the final and most controversial chapter in the book, the author created a miniature replica of his office in order to stage his own death (or undeath, per page 128).
Mr. Gallus is working to rescue the Dumas, which he said represents an important, if controversial chapter in the city's social history.
Hans Eysenck publishes the book Uses and Abuses of Psychology, including the controversial chapter "What is wrong with psychoanalysis".
The publisher of the book demanded that he dropped the controversial chapter.
'Frogs in the Military' - now there's a controversial chapter.
With the Government facing a fresh possibility of defeat over the controversial social chapter, tensions erupted as loyal heavyweights turned on the rebels during a heated half-hour clash.
He later published a controversial chapter about a prostitute from Farmington in Up From Methodism, which was seen as a liability for The American Mercury.
In what is probably Fretheim's most controversial chapter (chapter 6), he describes the appearances of God in the Old Testament and the human reaction to them.
We never thought 'The Nativity' could be as controversial a chapter.