On February 10, a few months before the election he was discharged because of a controversial interview published in the Volkskrant newspaper.
The association published his controversial interviews with Chinese premier Zhou Enlai.
Ricky Martin being interviewed by Barbara Walters during the controversial interview in 2000.
Steele became frustrated while a nervous Burton stammered through several odd questions during this controversial interview.
He also went onto say that he would file a lawsuit against the newspaper which published the controversial interview.
Cain reaffirmed his position two days after a controversial interview during which many of his opponents believed he had changed his stance.
The announcement came two weeks after a controversial interview, on 7 September 2008, with actor Steven Berkoff.
His controversial interview with Michael Barrymore brought him to the attention of the British press.
In addition, she defended the controversial interviews by Children's Institute International.
However, in a controversial interview from 1995 he also said of the church burnings: