Published in German, the book focuses on the controversial notion that Western civilization is deeply marked by the influence of the Teutonic peoples.
Contrary to assertions by House Republican leaders, charging the government with the vital law enforcement task of keeping terrorists off airplanes is hardly a controversial, left-wing notion.
But early in this century he was briefly respected because a Supreme Court decision seemed to uphold his controversial notions about executive authority.
However, the Constitution did not mention the controversial notion of Marian co-redemption and instead only included a specific section on the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Such an argument presupposes the controversial notion of a private language.
There would also be the controversial notion that the chef not be shackled to the stove.
According to a controversial notion known as the anthropic principle, certain otherwise baffling features of the universe can only be understood by including ourselves in the equation.
That sort of difference might be expected according to the controversial notion that cosmic rays, or high-energy particles from space, seed clouds.
The study, which confirms earlier work, comes at a time when there is growing interest in the sometimes controversial notion of enriching formula with breast milk ingredients.
Whether activism is an appropriate goal for academia is a controversial notion.