Stacey's works have contributed much to the study of certain controversial operations such as the Dieppe Raid and Operation Spring.
In recent years, Mr. Clarridge has been involved in many of the Reagan Administration's most controversial covert operations.
And it allowed Moscow to seize the moment to try to disengage from a deeply controversial military operation that has made the President's popularity plummet.
Webber, the Philadelphia 76ers power forward, belongs to a somewhat ill-fated group of players who had the same controversial operation.
The controversial operation has never received official recognition from the Canadian government.
Collins, who has military experience, is leading an investigation into PointCorp, a private defense contractor with controversial operations involving mercenaries.
(C) The highly controversial military operations ongoing in Afghanistan were characterized by the participants as a "massive" political issue.
In July 2007 VIPR teams carried out controversial operations in several cities for the holiday weekend (see below).
The controversial operation was the main point of a lawsuit in which Berlusconi was charged with corruption of legal proceedings.
Neonatal circumcision: a review of the world's oldest and most controversial operation.