By adopting these amendments, the Democratic Conference signaled its resolve to exploit Republican divisions in influencing this controversial treaty.
The controversial treaty was the subject of debate in the United States Senate during the winter of 1898-1899, and it was approved on February 6, 1899 by a vote 57 to 27, only one vote more than the two-thirds majority required.
For example, contradicting Government policy, he proposed recently that Portuguese troops take part in a so-called European corps being promoted by France and Germany and he called for a referendum on a controversial treaty on European union.
The February Act of 1877 is the most controversial treaty regarding the Black Hills land claims.
He staked out a specialty in nuclear power matters as chairman of the powerful Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and in 1963 provided important backing for the Kennedy administration's controversial treaty with the Soviet Union barring nuclear tests in the atmosphere.
It approved in June 1991 a controversial treaty of cooperation and friendship with Syria.
The Administration's strategy for transforming the impossible task into one of the least controversial treaties to come before the Senate in recent years, was a yearlong campaign to build on bipartisan support and then blunt every potential rallying point of the opposition.
In order to make the controversial treaty more popular in the United States, Webster released a map of the Maine-Canada border, which he claimed had been drawn by Benjamin Franklin.
(PL) Mr President, after two years of discussion on the controversial treaty that was rejected in France and Holland, we have succeeded in reaching a compromise and accepting a text that is supposed to save the peoples of Europe.
The controversial treaty was approved on February 6, 1899 by a vote 57 to 27, only one vote more than the two-thirds majority required.