Further political controversy engulfed Bird when he was chosen as Liberal candidate for Cardiff, due to his opposition to the Boer War.
Despite the controversy engulfing the firm in 1990, few employees saw the end coming.
What the controversy didn't engulf, Brian Mullen's goal overshadowed, thus making it more than likely that the contributions of Kelly Kisio would once again be overlooked.
A controversy engulfed Ajahn Mun and his disciples at this time.
Factions developed and controversy engulfed the organization as executive and administrative decisions were being made by both the Senior Bishop and the Executive Board often conflicting with one another.
(A similar controversy would later engulf the 2005 Swedish selection.)
The controversy has engulfed Tampa since then, not only threatening the project but reopening old wounds in a city with a long history of racial disputes.
Second, a fiery controversy, composed of two separate but related components, engulfed SIL between approximately 1971 and 1981.
In the course of time, the great controversy about remarriage of widows engulfed entire society and Durga Mohan Das plunged forward into that movement.