For years, controversy has roiled around the resolution of disputes between brokers and individual investors.
The controversy is roiling the department on top of dissension over murder charges against five Queens officers last month in the death of a suspect in a car theft.
The controversy has roiled the island, with some vote counters threatening to walk off the job and worries that the federal government is meddling in local affairs.
Not all the controversies roiling Riverdale revolve around apartment towers.
The controversy over whether the US had foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack has roiled well into the 21st century.
Even in death, Capt. Levett could not avoid the controversies roiling the age.
The controversy (nay, outrage) over the introduction of TimesSelect still roils and is taking its toll on the good will of your long-term readership.
Just as 750 Canadian infantry troops under United States command are being airlifted into Afghanistan, a controversy over the taking and treatment of prisoners has roiled the House of Commons and put the government on the defensive.
As controversy about the error roiled backstage at the Super Dome, the dominant Romanians were claiming every space on the medal stand.
The controversy over Mr. Christy has roiled The Hollywood Reporter for nearly a month and raised larger issues about the contrasting ways in which journalists have functioned in Hollywood for decades.