The controversy between Europe by Net and the upscale manufacturers underscores the growing importance of the Internet for the furniture industry.
Whatever the merits of the opposing claims, the controversy underscores the exceptional influence that technologists wield in formulating the rules that govern cyberspace.
To the Sports Editor: Even though Paulette Pierce should be commended for her efforts to help a struggling student, the controversy at Ohio State underscores a broader issue.
Some Turks fret that controversies of this sort underscore their cultural differences from Europeans at an unwelcome time, when the Government has set for itself the difficult goal of membership in the European Eommunity.
In many ways, the controversy underscores the conflicts of covering Hollywood, where stars demand to be treated with kid gloves and many reporters and their editors are often too willing to oblige.
The controversy underscores an issue that has become increasingly frustrating for local officials - the burden of using local property tax dollars to support an increasingly expensive trial court system.
The controversy underscores the Conservative Party's sensitivity over the dearth of black and Asian members among its ranks.
The controversy has underscored the Berlusconi government's problems on a variety of justice issues.