David and Angela were thankful to have someone so reliable and so conveniently available.
Within the city public transport is conveniently available.
Ashcan editions frequently contained unlettered stories, unfinished art or even just whatever wastepaper had been conveniently available at the time.
Despite the very short notice of the cancellation, buses were conveniently available as an alternative.
It will move into any refuge that happens to be conveniently available.
Alas, Sony has no plans to add to what was conveniently available.
They did not have to leave the holodeck to change into bathing trunks; they were conveniently available in the changing rooms beside the pool.
Any place with fresh water conveniently available was likely to be visited frequently by ships.
Conveniently available in print and online, the toolkit will walk businesses through four key stages to identify and define a successful program.
One taxi stands conveniently available, a second has now joined it.