And this the conventions and the discipline of the service allowed him to do.
My father became very angry, the more so since the conventions did not allow him to admit what he was angry about.
The convention allows member countries to enter "reservations" on treaty clauses, indicating that such parts will not be followed.
The convention allows responder to know whether there is game and in a suit contract or notrump.
The conventions of war, Lieutenant," he said, "do not allow for the trial of military officers as though they were civilians.
A video clip for the song showed two ballerinas in love, but social conventions would not allow them to kiss.
The convention also allows for open panel requests so anyone can host a panel.
This convention allows the file name ordering to be time sequential.
The convention allowed Williams to gain some name recognition around the state as well as he chaired several important committees.
This convention allows us to use the set inclusion relation to compare truth assignments with each other.