The convention convened on June 17, 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
It took a majority of sisterhoods agreeing one was needed before a convention could actually convene.
The convention convened in Hartford on August 26, 1818.
Such a candidate could not win a majority of the delegates before the convention convened on July 18.
That is the last time a federal constitutional convention has convened in the United States.
When the Republican national convention convened in Philadelphia, Willkie had only 105 delegates.
On April 10, the constitutional convention convened for the first time, at church services in Eidsvoll.
When the convention convened, Yancey was the guiding spirit.
The convention which drafted the document convened on April 27, 1864 and completed their work by September 6.
The Republican nominating convention convened on July 12 in Lexington.