Almost three weeks have passed since the convention ended and all the other protesters have gone.
They were held for three days and released only when the convention was ending, told that they could cause no more trouble.
The convention began two days prior to the murder and ended five days after.
Their convention ended today, Gail, and that makes it more difficult.
The only constant is that the convention ends with the nominee's acceptance speech.
It is too soon to know how the Congressman's apology will play outside the arena here, where the party's two-day convention ended today.
The convention also often ends with a story reading by Howard Waldrop.
The picketing is scheduled to last 10 days, but union officials said it might continue until the convention ends on Sept. 2.
After meeting for 31 days, the convention ended on September 18, when the delegates voted to approve the document as the constitution.
The delegates are expected to act on the report's recommendations before their convention here ends Thursday.