He found six of them, on which the dates of much of the conventional Egyptian chronology are based.
The following is the list according to conventional Egyptian chronology.
This period in the conventional chronology covers the time from about 1500 - 1250 BC.
The idea of chronologies that differ from the conventional chronology can be traced back to at least the early 17th century.
These "phantom copies" are often misdated by centuries or even millennia and end up incorporated into conventional chronology.
In the conventional chronology, all three genealogies would be missing seven generations.
The conventional chronology, on the other hand, matches at best 21.
The book, questioning the conventional Egyptian chronology, caused a stir in the academic community and beyond; its thesis remains controversial.
These revisions have resulted in a shortening of the conventional chronology by up to 400 years at the beginning of Dynasty I.
A number of suggestions for alternatives to the consensus on the conventional chronology have been presented during the 20th century: