In Mr. Miller's view, the conventional distinction between growth and value investing is moot.
Ms. Kanter said that some of the conventional Democratic-Republican distinctions are breaking down in the Dukakis camp.
The artists' interpretation undermined the conventional distinctions between witnesses and actors by having the work performed by the audience.
Lewis frequently blurs conventional distinctions between painting and sculpture sometimes presenting his work in an installation-type format.
It recommended to harmonise the role of development financing and banking activities by getting away from the conventional distinction between commercial banking and developmental banking.
At least following trump suit agreement, as in this case (hearts), there is a common conventional distinction.
A life of the self-taught Swiss who proclaimed the noble savage and denounced conventional social distinctions.
Like Eric Gill, who they admired they redefined the autonomy of art, denying the conventional distinction between the sacred and profane.
Our conventional distinctions between 'artisan', 'craftsman' and 'artist'belong to this phase of the cultural market, but as responses to its internal difficulties.
Central to "The Heresy of Paraphrase" was a vigorous critique of conventional distinctions between form and content: