Also less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography.
HRCT has better sensitivity for bronchiolitis obliterans than conventional radiography.
The presence or absence of bone metastasis in patients was determined by bone scintigraphy, and was confirmed by conventional radiography (X-ray) as necessary.
However, conventional radiography is limited for visualization of calcaneal anatomy, especially at the subtalar joint.
CT Scan is currently the imaging study of choice for evaluating calcaneal injury and has substituted conventional radiography in the classification of calcaneal fractures.
The diagnosis of osteoporosis can be made using conventional radiography and by measuring the bone mineral density (BMD).
High-frequency transducers (10 MHz or higher) have improved the spatial resolution of ultrasound images; these images can depict 20% more erosions than conventional radiography.
Similar change is also demonstrated with Computed Tomography (CT), but the multi-planar nature of CT has a higher sensitivity than conventional radiography.
Osteonecrosis often begins insidiously and is difficult or impossible to diagnose with conventional radiography and computed tomography in the early stages.
The latter denomination derives from the fact that the experimental setup of this method is basically the same as in conventional radiography.