To land: are conventionally defined by national regulations as requiring special treatments or disposal procedures.
Balance and reason, as conventionally defined, somehow end up looking a little crazy.
Who will provide the leadership remains to be seen, but clearly the stakes go way beyond "labor issues," as these are conventionally defined.
"I think what we have happening here is an attack on the idea of merit as conventionally defined."
What is being applied need not be "economic theory", as conventionally defined rather something more basic.
The answer is that the child does not start with "Chinese", or any other conventionally defined language, in its head.
This film is a mockumentary shot in black and white but struggles to sit within any conventionally defined genre.
It describes the qualities desirable for a man, which might not be the same as virtue conventionally defined.
There are no acts, plot arcs or character development, as conventionally defined.
Nationally Rare is conventionally defined as species which are found in 15 or fewer hectads.