Raw food is "cleansing" and conventionally grown berries are "dirty."
Organic apples generally have the same of conventionally grown apples, with cosmetic differences.
And conventionally grown bananas and cucumbers are relatively safe.
A conventionally grown ear of corn, for example, may be marked 4078; an organic one, 94078; and a genetically modified one, 84078.
Some conventionally grown produce has so little pesticide residue that it does not make sense to pay more for the organic varieties.
Or are organic foods less nutritious than conventionally grown ones?
When they are grown conventionally, they can carry more pesticide residue than other produce.
And this is the crux of the argument of organic over conventionally grown plants.
Although people worry about pesticide residues, not all conventionally grown, nonorganic crops contain them.
People shouldn't feel like they're putting themselves at risk if they're eating conventionally grown foods.