This ensures convergent validity of any findings.
The test has convergent validity but not discriminate validity.
The final validation stage includes convergent and discriminative validity of the test, which is assessed by correlating the test with similar/dissimilar instruments.
A successful evaluation of convergent validity shows that a test of a concept is highly correlated with other tests designed to measure theoretically similar concepts.
High correlations between the test scores would be evidence of convergent validity.
It is ideal when measures that rate high in convergent validity also rate high in discriminant validity.
Again, a series of studies suggest that the three-factor model displayed convergent and discriminant validity.
Evaluation of convergent validity - Tests designed to measure the same construct should correlate highly amongst themselves.
Four instruments (including the PVP) demonstrated strong convergent validity, and the scores in the scale were positively related to those of other six reviewed instruments.
In relation to other similar constructs, the CFC scale has demonstrated good convergent validity.