She honors a song's underlying pulse by dodging it, with conversational phrases that rarely touch down and never get lost.
"As to 'I believe'--a conversational phrase only in that context, doctor, without meaning."
A French pronouncing grammar for young students: With a vocabulary of the names of familiar objects and conversational phrases.
He is known more for his skill than for his personality: for the way he brings out patterns in casual, conversational phrases; for the astonishing smoothness and rhythmic discipline of his long lines.
Despite a multitude of personal trials, his poetry reflects a childlike simplicity, making liberal use of local dialects and conversational phrases, and 'including many verses on plants and the lower creatures.
But there were fond subtleties in the way she turned metered lines into conversational phrases and in the way her guitar picking shifted from crisp picking to trickling arpeggios.
In Dagarbani style, the two brothers sang in overlapping, conversational phrases; one of the oldest surviving Indian classical traditions, drhupad is both meditative and virtuosic.
On May 11, 2008, the company unveiled a tool for searching a fixed subset of Wikipedia using conversational phrases rather than keywords.
Foreign dictionaries with conversational phrases.
The adult cartridge has a vocabulary of 650 conversational phrases.