If a visitor site connects to a pay site and signs up for content, it receives a conversion fee from the larger site.
But beyond that, credit card companies should stop referring to these charges as conversion fees.
And calculating the conversion fees in advance can be tricky.
Their foreign exchange calculators provide the option of adding a conversion fee.
There is still a conversion fee, but it is included in the converted price, so business travelers can file their expense reports immediately.
In addition, at Dollar Dry Dock a conversion fee of $750 would have been charged.
"This time, he even remembered to include the conversion fee."
And right now, he insisted, that could mean eliminating all or some of the normal conversion fees.
Many contracts allow a consultant to transition to a full-time status upon completion of a certain number of hours with or without a conversion fee.
Home Owners Federal, for example, is charging a flat $250 conversion fee on convertible loans taken out before September 18.