Photoreceptors are the specialized neurons that convert photons into electrical signals.
Photovoltaic conversion uses semiconductor cells to directly convert photons into electrical power.
STMicroelectronics is involved in a project to produce plastic solar cells that employ a matrix of carbon nanotubes to convert photons to electrical power.
Digital cameras use an array of photodiodes whose extreme sensitivity to light allows them to convert incoming photons into varying electrical charges with great accuracy.
To perceive the world, my brain must convert virtual photons into sensory information.
Step 1:The following primary steps convert photons to current:
"Leaves are basically solar panels converting photons to create new chemical bonds," he told me.
Absorption of light by photosynthetic pigments converts photons into chemical energy.
This multiplication begins by using the photo-electric effect to convert photons that hit the first "plate" into electrons.
Probably the most practical application of fusion energy is converting photons to electrons using photo cells, or converting infrared into hot water using roof-top collectors.