He seemed unable to apply the subjunctive case, impeding his ability to convey abstract concepts.
The limited number of colors and resolution presents a challenge when attempting to convey complicated concepts and ideas in an efficient way.
It was interesting trying to convey concepts of artificial intelligence to them.
They are used in different combinations and transitions with accompanying movement of the legs and feet, to convey different thoughts and concepts.
His work aims to convey scientific concepts in layman's terms to enable public debate.
Lemon strives to invent and be innovative with each performance he creates by conveying different concepts and using different media.
It is the process of creating, producing, and distributing material incorporating words and images to convey data, concepts, and emotions.
The film conveys basic legal concepts that can provide practical help to groups and individuals seeking an understanding of their rights when dealing with police.
FameLab Astrobiology workshops will train scientists and engineers to convey complex scientific concepts to the public.
He encouraged the use of paper folding in pre-primary education with the aim of conveying simple mathematical concepts to children.