Winkler says, "you cannot describe boats as fish simply because they are both conveyed via the medium of water".
Much like the strip Henry, the humor was conveyed via pantomime.
Because such religious orders are themselves controlled from Rome, Roman discipline is conveyed via a route other than by the bishops.
For months, each side has called the other misinformed and unyielding, their words conveyed via the news media and politicians rather than face to face.
In humans, the sense of taste is conveyed via three of the twelve cranial nerves.
Such inflection is not readily conveyed via the entities employed within the orthography to convey intended meaning.
It is likely that this inhibitory influence is conveyed via the sympathetic nervous connections.
The information is conveyed via amplitude modulation of a 50 Hz alternating current in the rails.
The result of the visit and any decisions are conveyed via the local authorities.
As a multi-lingual movement the human rights message can be conveyed via dozens of reports, books and audio-visual materials to audiences from Japan to Nigeria.