He considers the badnjak as a convincing example of the latter.
One of the most convincing examples of tacit knowledge is facial recognition.
"All About Rosie" has been cited as one of the few convincing examples of composed polyphony in jazz.
Many similarly convincing examples have been reported recently.
Lakatos gives a fairly detailed account of Bohr's theory of the atom as another convincing example.
So it has been hard to find really convincing examples of species-level properties that are built by species-level selection.
Prescott and Kydland demonstrated this with a simple yet convincing example.
This is a convincing example of solidarity.
It is hard to find a more joyful, convincing and heartening example of democracy's success in the brief history of Europe's new era.
Accuracy can suffer, and a fresh insight can be left without the convincing example that another day of reporting could have produced.