All of Wagner's mature operas are ghost ships, fated to sail about the world in search of the ultimately convincing interpretation.
Freeman said that the combination of the weapons and QTEs make the combat "a convincing interpretation of the action in the original console games".
Giving a different but equally convincing interpretation at the matinee, Julie Kent was less assertive.
Mr. Danilov found the latter interpretation more convincing, saying of the coup-plotters, "There is no evidence they broke the law."
"We expect the conductor to offer a convincing interpretation," Mr. Hellsberg, the president, said, "and to work with our sound."
These states of motion are subject to instantaneous change through the act of measurement, in a process for which we cannot claim to have discovered an exhaustive and convincing interpretation.
In the afternoon's performance, Jette Buchwald offered a less flamboyant but convincing interpretation of the same role.
So there are convincing interpretations of actual objects and convincing interpretations of those interpretations.
He served as an elegant partner to Ms. Tracey and also gave a convincing interpretation of the ballet's tender solo.
It was a valid, convincing interpretation.