The name of Achaea has a slightly convoluted history.
Those at the ceremony laughed, realizing that he was alluding to the long and convoluted history of the project.
Because of the convoluted history of Smalltalk class development this can be very useful.
Regardless of the convoluted history, is there anything to really worry about here?
This plant has a convoluted history of synonymy with Inga vera.
But the American monitors still share some of the outside world's perplexity at the region's convoluted history.
Talks today only underscored Afghanistan's convoluted history of politics waged by arms and the ambiguities involved in finding another way.
Nectocaris has a long and convoluted history of study.
This species has had a rather convoluted taxonomic history.
The junior synonyms of Montifringilla have a convoluted history.