Their A-frame was one of those overlooking the central park where the convoy vehicles were drawn up.
The convoy vehicles were dark outlines in the middle of the clearing.
The military police units of the United States Marine Corps also used the Ranger as a convoy vehicle.
Sgt. Tatjana Reed, a single mother, was killed on July 22 when a bomb exploded near her convoy vehicle.
The gathered soldiers swarmed onto the convoy vehicle like army ants--Yeager smiled as the comparison struck him.
Angry Afghans then threw stones, smashing windows in the convoy vehicles.
At least 13 people were killed and more than 31 injured as a suicide bomber blew himself up next to the leader's convoy vehicle.
Upon inspection of the convoy vehicles, a dirty bomb is remotely detonated, killing the team.
The attack damaged or destroyed numerous convoy vehicles and killed five civilian contractors and one US Army soldier.
Two of the convoy vehicles had been taken out, which meant, as far as she knew, the third was still intact.