"I hardly ever cook duck at home," said Eberhard Muller, the chef and an owner of Lutece in Manhattan.
She cooked crispy duck for friends.
She cooked crispy duck for her neighbors and shopped at Macy's for hats and scarves.
How to cook peking duck - in pictures 3.
Now, I love crispy duck skin, but you do get an awful lot of messy and stressful spluttering when you cook duck with the skin.
Spit-roasting is about the best way I know to cook duck: the fat melts out and the skin browns evenly, without making a mess of the oven.
MANY people are afraid to cook duck, and not entirely without reason.
For a delicious way to cook duck, try this recipe for crispy-skinned breast with a homemade plum sauce.
"You only know how to cook duck."
Mr. Andrews growled, "I haven't cooked duck in years."