The mushrooms are served hot, rather than warm, to cook the arugula and other greens beneath them slightly.
Even existential speechifying - and there's a fair amount of that from the male characters, especially in the second act - seems as natural a part of conversation as a discussion of the best way to cook collard greens.
Read the tips listed below and learn about how to cook turnip greens.
For a spring menu, I've chosen to cook collard greens with chorizo, a hot Spanish sausage.
The students prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the public at Restaurant Mandolin in the center, where diners can watch through windows as students cook dishes like salmon bisque, frisée and radish salad, dandelion greens with Camembert, duck pâté, steak with peppercorns, trout amandine, and veal with sweet Vermont sage.
Do not cook greens in aluminum or cast-iron pans; they will acquire an odd taste.
I cook the beans and greens separately for the ragout.
Also called Ofutaku, it is an ingredient produced by burning dried bean pods, banana peelings, etc. and mixing the ash with water before sieving to produce a brown liquid used to cook greens like Osubi.
But a fistful of chives works equally well, as do small amounts of lightly cooked and chopped greens, like spinach or chard.