Google Maps uses cookies to store your current position and zoom level on the map.
Persistent cookies store information on your computer for longer periods of time.
For example, if you've customised your homepage we'll use cookies to store information about your preferred layout.
Persistent cookies store information on your computer for longer periods of time and across multiple sessions.
The ICO would like to use cookies to store information on your computer, to improve our website.
The easiest solution to the problem would be to delete all cookies stored on your system.
In very few cases, the CDC web site uses persistent cookies to store information for a longer period.
Theoretically, the cookie file itself does not gather or store any personal information about the user.
No cookies used by EAC ever store any information that may be used to identify you personally.
In a few cases, the CDC Web site uses cookies to store information for a longer period than the current session (persistent cookie).