Some of the men actually do share some cooking chores at home and those who don't have other tasks.
Po Campo was also likely to dampen the discussion, once he was free from his cooking chores.
She had spent the day trying to earn her way by taking over the cooking chores from Moira, who was still looking after the wounded.
The cooking chores seemed to drive the apprehension from her mind.
They split the cooking chores down the middle but still grapple with control.
Chow said he would start off at once to attend to his cooking chores.
The big man seemed relieved that the feast was over and they could go back to their regular cooking chores.
She squealed and backed away, then returned to her cooking chores.
She and her husband share the cooking chores on holidays, using organically grown ingredients.
Ernie, rattled from the dual murder, left as soon as her cooking chores were finished.