It gets going in cool, humid conditions, starting at the top of the plant and working downward.
"I didn't sense anything different out here," said Woods, who played a full practice round despite the cool and wet conditions.
He arrives too late for his grandmother's funeral but, no matter, she has left him a cool million subject to one condition.
The answer suggested more light, humidity and cooler growing conditions.
A state of emergency had been considered but was rejected on the 10 December 2007 due to cooler conditions.
They grow best in cool, damp conditions, and will continue growth well into the autumn.
Even when kept under cool conditions, it has a shelf life of only a few weeks.
These need cool conditions during almost all the year but are half hardy in countries like England.
They hatch after three to four days (longer in cool conditions).
Therefore they need to be grown in as cool conditions as possible and not forced.