The magnetic sense, he found, usually relies on tiny crystals of magnetite - the same mineral that gets immobilized in cooling lava.
The Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) on Voyager 1 discovered thermal emission from multiple sources, indicative of cooling lava.
The mountain features impressive basalt columns formed by cooling lava.
In its place were rough, dark grey rocks, possibly cooling lava or rubble from the collapsed crater.
They stood, sorceress and mercenary, staring at one another across a patch of cooling lava no wider than a footstool but seemingly as wide as the valley itself for all that either could cross it.
More significant, they said, jumbled and melted minerals in the rocks could have formed only in the violent upheaval of a meteor's hitting the Earth, not from cooling lava.
It was formed by cooling lava and water less than 2,000 years ago.
And then the air hardened, like cooling lava.
The Causeway's distinctive hexagonal basalt columns, some 40,000 of them forged by cooling lava more than 60 million years ago, still point an accusatory finger towards Benandonner's domain.
Thermal emission from multiple sources, indicative of cooling lava, were also found.