That could cool passions on the peninsula, long a flash point, and encourage the North to open its nuclear facilities to international inspection.
But those realities did little to cool passions at Tuesday's hearing.
Seeking to cool passions, the Government recommended on Monday that until the elections on June 8, the nation just drop "Socialist" from its name.
The Founding Fathers designed the American system of government to cool public passions and created numerous impediments to rash action.
Canadian voters, after a bitter national referendum campaign, today rejected a complex constitutional package aimed at cooling secessionist passions in Quebec and preserving the country's unity.
But the opera as a whole, laid out in two acts of approximately 80 minutes each, deliberately cools passions into meditations from afar.
During some heated anti-Japanese demonstrations last year, for example, moderators intervened to cool nationalist passions, encouraging students to mute criticisms of Japan.
He has periodically intervened to cool passions between China and Taiwan.
In an attempt to cool passions, he ordered distribution of the contraceptives stopped for six months, pending a study.
But Administration officials hope that time will cool such passions.