Nigerian relations with the US, cool during the war, are improving, but France may be seen as the future patron.
Over all, the White House is trying to prevent the crisis in Chechnya from turning already cool relations with Moscow into a deep chill.
And these words were enough to re-establish between the brothers the not hostile but cool relations that Levin was trying to avoid.
After their split in 1976, the two brothers had cool relations.
More broadly, the economists said the move would aggravate the cool relations between Germany and some of its main trading partners.
After years of cool relations, the two men appear to be more cordial now.
Like the Governor's spending policies, his cool relations with the Legislature, once an asset, are threatening to become a liability to him.
The Bush administration's contention that Syria has been aiding Iraq's insurgency is a primary source of cool relations between the nations.
Shunned by most Arab states, Israel has peace agreements, if often cool relations, with Egypt and Jordan.
The Israeli action reflected the recent improvement in its previously cool relations with Egypt.