An oasis in difficult times, the cave and river provided a cool respite from blistering heat in the summers.
Dharamshala became a popular hill station for the British working in or near Delhi, offering a cool respite during the hot summer months.
Sitting at an altitude of 120m to 180m, it's a cool and peaceful respite from Suva's urban hubbub.
It's a cool and peaceful respite from Suva's urban hubbub.
It offers a delightfully cool respite, at 3,400 feet, from lowland temperatures that regularly exceed 100 degrees in summer.
Without saying a word, Sond turned and crossed the street, heading for a building whose shadowy arched doorways offered cool respite from the sun.
In summer, Big Bear Lake provides a cool respite from the heat.
In summer (June to August) Kūnmíng offers cool respite, though rain is more prevalent.
One spectator didn't hold out any hope for a cool respite for her corgi.
Gnarled holm oaks offer cool respite on hot days, but otherwise the landscape is raw and uncompromising.