Prevents reactor from exceeding variable power levels without sufficient coolant flow for that level being present.
The flow test was trying to determine the cause of unexpected reactor responses to changes in coolant flow.
A later head casting improvement by an Italian firm corrected this problem through improved coolant flow.
It features siamesed bores, meaning that there is no coolant flow between cylinders.
The coolant flow moved it up, towards the exhaust pipe.
All the control rods were removed, and the coolant flow was halted.
But it was your idea to try to set off a chain reaction in the warp core by blocking the coolant flow.
The nominal coolant flow through the reactor is 46,000-48,000 m3/h.
The coolant flow for each turbine is 82,880 t/h.
Restoration of some means of coolant flow will prevent core damage from occurring.