Much of his work consisted of coon songs.
There is no glossing over the fact that most "coon songs" reveled in ridicule.
There's certainly much more anger in rap than I've ever evidenced in coon songs.
"Nobody," Williams's first big hit, is no ordinary coon song.
While living in Baltimore, Sloane wrote the lyrics and music for about a dozen so-called coon songs.
"I think coon songs would have been a pretty hard thing for a folklorist to try to resurrect during the civil rights era."
By the mid-1880s, coon songs were a national craze; over 600 such songs were published in the 1890s.
After the turn of the century, coon songs began to receive criticism for their racist content.
The street-patrolling "bully coon" was often used as a stock character in coon songs.
Stereotyped "coon songs" were popular, and blackface was common.