Government and private investors have been cooperating on Phase II construction since July 1996.
Mongolian Youth Federation has been cooperating with Parliament in fields of youth and children since 1996.
The two countries have been cooperating since 1960 on the economic aspect as part of both being part of the Middle East Region.
"The Iraqis could not not find a single Kuwaiti to cooperate with them since the first day they occupied Kuwait, despite pressures and intimidation."
The European and Chinese companies have been cooperating since 1986 over the construction of turbines and alternators in the 300-megawatt range.
Richard's collection of music instruments includes, moreover, signed models by the company K&K, he has been cooperating with since 1997, as follows:
The two networks-former rivals-had been cooperating increasingly since the 1930s.
He has been cooperating with the investigation, which has been looking at corruption and procurement fraud, since last year.
Shah has been cooperating with the United States Government since August 1998.
"We have been cooperating with the regulators since the beginning of this," Ms. Murphy said.